My Personal Journey


Finally!!! I did it:

The dream of starting your own business. Even though it was only 4 years ago that I burned myself out "alla grande". It was not something that came overnight, but came creeping over many years. 

The journey has been long and varied. I have struggled with stress and been sick as well as burnt out. Some days I couldn't get out of bed, sensitive to light, sound and brain fatigue. But I learned how I could increase working hours, while studying and dedicating 15-20 hours a week to my business. 

I want to share how I did it so you can do the same. 

During the burnout period, I often felt: 

STRESSED. Like I was constantly behind and didn't have time to do everything I should be doing and spending time on. 

INSUFFICIENT. Not being sufficiently involved either at home or at work. 

DECREPIT. My family suffered, I was irritated and scolded them. I couldn't take care of anyone, not even myself.

TIRED. Wanted to be alone and was mad at family for getting in the way when I just wanted to be alone. 

UNHAPPY. Couldn't think creatively when stress took over all the time. I was sick and unable to reach my full potential. 

The dream of my own company remained. I had the opportunity to study, get the support and help I needed along my new life journey. I came up with many new insights and solutions for managing and evaluating what is important to me. 

What is important to you? 

I have the tools and exercises that helped me. Now it's my turn to help you.

Please contact me: