Control anger before it controls you

Once the bull is running, you can't stop it because it's just too powerful. You have to let it calm down, slow down and get tired.
I spoke to a friend about anger. Sometimes maybe you get so angry and frustrated with your partner, friend, son, daughter, husband, wife or a colleague.
How to control anger.
Anger is a strong human emotion, but in our hearts none of us can enjoy anger. In the article I read, the essential teachings on how to control anger are shared by Master Sri Avinash with characteristic depth, an understanding heart and simple logic. Read this:
Why is it good to know how to control anger?
When we learn how to control anger, this benefits us and those around us.
If you are in a situation where your anger takes over, try your best to calm down, because when you get angry the anger creates a chemical in your body that eats away at you, causing ulcers and diseases.
It not only causes this type of physical destruction for yourself, but it causes physical harm for the other person as well-the recipient of the anger.
So, have the understanding that your anger is harming others and yourself.
Now, let's look at the ways to control anger to avoid its negative effects. The two possible scenarios are:
1. Train to control your mind and emotions; and/or
2. Try your best to calm down in the moment when you are experiencing anger.
Practising control of anger
We all understand that prevention is the best medicine. So it's good to train your mind so that you are able to control your thoughts and your emotions when you want to. That's the best way to control anger.
If you understand life, you know you're going to go through circumstances where, because of your conditioning, you're going to have explosions of anger. With that understanding, then you can train or practice ahead of time to prevent that.
Once the bull is running, you can't stop it because it's just too powerful. You have to let it calm down, slow down and get tired.