Stress leading to fatigue


The stress that leads to fatigue - read about signs that you are at risk 

You need to stop stress early, whether it's imbalance at work or in private. If you do not stop stressing in time, you risk suffering from both fatigue syndrome and stress collapse. Stress is the body's way of helping us survive by getting ready to fight or flee. In other words, stressing yourself a few times a day is not harmful, we are built for that. However, prolonged stress or high stress from several sources, combined with insufficient recovery, can be dangerous. Among other things, it can lead to you suffering from fatigue, or fatigue syndrome. It can also lead to stress collapse. - Such conditions are recognized, for example, in extreme fatigue, severe difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and lack of sense of purpose and commitment. Stress is often due to a combination of the fact that there is a lot both at work and in private and therefore it can be difficult to know what to change. But the important thing is to do something because the way back can be long. - Research shows that excessive stress without recovery in some cases causes physical damage to the brain, which may heal, but it can take years or months. 6 signs that you are stressing too much: 

1. Sleeps poorly 

A brain that thinks it is threatened does not sleep unnecessarily. The first clear sign of stress is because sleep changes and you sleep worse. Some find it difficult to fall asleep, others wake up too early or several times during the night. 

2. Weakened immune system 

The immune system is mainly built up during recovery. Lack of recovery therefore results in a weaker immune system. Prolonged colds and infections are a sign that your body needs rest. 

3. Pain in the body 

When we are stressed, stress hormones are produced that activate the body to fight or flee. We tense the muscles, which eventually begin to hurt. It is especially common with pain in the shoulders, neck and head - the so-called stress muscles - that we are said to impulsively tense to protect the throat. 

4. Forgetful 

Under stress, our concentration is disturbed, which in turn impairs memory. It becomes more difficult to create wise strategies, plan and make decisions. Many people seek help only at this stage, they become frightened when the brain no longer works. Some people experience this as the only symptom. 5. Anxiety, worry and depression When the focus is on avoiding dangers, we risk having a more negative view of the world and the people in it. Research also shows clear links between stress, fatigue, depression and depression. 6. Stomach The stomach is closely linked to how we feel. An early sign in some is that the stomach is sore and swollen. In some people, appetite decreases, but stress can also cause us to eat more than normal. The intestinal flora is also affected by stress. How to deal with stress Different people are affected and get sick from stress in different ways. But lack of recovery is still the leading cause of illness. Try to avoid unnecessary stress, and make sure you are charged to handle the one you do not get away with. Be careful with recovery and constructive behaviors. Sleep well, eat nutritiously, move your body and hang out with people you like. 

Source: Cecilia Duberg, a licensed psychologist, lists the warning signs you need to look out for.