Today's Book Tip
Time to live
At times it is natural to be really stressed and we are built to handle it. Stress is something that varies in life, from a little to a lot, and no matter how stressed you are, you cannot "go crazy" from stress.
But if what was supposed to be just a period instead turns into something long-term, the body or head finally gives up. Stress has become part of our everyday life and stress-related ill health is today the most common cause of long-term sick leave.
When there are many demands in life, we can sometimes lose direction and start prioritizing the »tables« and the »must haves«.
We may reduce contact with friends and family and have less time to do creative and fun things. There is a risk that we drain ourselves of energy and miss opportunities for recovery.
Time to live helps you who have problems with stress to regain control of your life. You will be helped to deal with the inevitable stress that is a part of life - and to change the stress that is possible to do something about.
The book is laid out as a program that you can follow week by week and which provides increased understanding of what stress is and how to deal with it.
Author: Fredrik Livheim Daniel Oak Björn Hedensjö
Illustrator: Airi Iliste
Designer: Maria Ulaner
Edition: 1
ISBN: 9789127147478
Language Swedish
Weight: 520 grams
Issued: 2017-01-11
Publisher: Nature Culture Academic
Number of pages: 319